About GAMARVANI, Sundanese Culture Festival

Gamarvani is an annual event held SMAN 3 Bandung and an event in western Java scale. Gamarvani has been held in the last year and could'nt be held during the last 4 years. Gamarvani this year be held on Saturday 19 September 2015 and took place in the gathering field of SMAN 3 and 5 on the Bali Street.

Open gate starts from 08.30 and close the gate at 17:00. Visitors who attend about 2800 to about 3000 people, from general people, senior high school students, junior high school students, even elementary students. The committee who participated in that event about 140, headed by Kang Ababil Akram and Field Commander by Kang Aditya Nugraha and 5 other coordinator who all from 12 grader.

The event begins with a parade of culture and GPS (Gerakan Pungut Sampah) which starts from the Bali Street by 10th grader students, teachers, the Principals, elementary school students near SMAN 3, and reog ponorogo traditional art. All who participated in the parade wearing kebaya and pangsi, as a characteristic of the culture of western Java. After the parade finished, there is Reog Ponorogo performance at Bali Street. Then the participals entered the field starting from the tunnel and there is a ribbon cutting ritual by Mr. Encang as the Principal.

After that, the event began with opening speech from Kang Abil and followed by Mr. Encang. There are many food stalls and food trucks that took part in the event. We can enjoy the food and drink that we rarely see in affordable prices. There is also the traditional snacks traders who sell there, adding a sense of the culture Fesival.

 The first performance by LSS 3. The performance was followed by Mangala Awi. After that, followed by the performance of Pencak Silat, a traditional sport from Indonesia. Then continued with the peformance of ArumbAcoustic. After break, there was the performance of Band 3, KPA (Keluarga Paduan Angklung), Parahyena, and KV 3 (Kelompok Vocal 3) which is so interesting. During that time, there is a traditional game that guide the committee.
In the afternoon, continued with performance by Sasadana, Musik Klasik 3, TST 3, and Wayang Golek Giriharja. Guest star this year is Adera and HiFi. They began to show around 19.00 o’clock, and amaze all visitors. Adera brought us about 4 songs, and Hifi about 3 songs. The event finished around 21:30.

I hope next year SMAN 3 can held an events such as the Cultural Festival better and more interesting than this year.
